Tuesday, May 29, 2007

No Pictures, Just Grumbling

I should have known better than to approach a pair of socks named after Boudica with anything less than the utmost respect because people? They are kicking my booty. I've cast on for them no less than six times since Friday morning and I'm still not past the first dozen rows! The toe technique that Designer Mim has chosen is, according to Sensational Knitted Socks, an "easy" toe. Mmmhmmm. Yep. Easy. Easy like giving yourself stitches in the sole of your foot. Sure it can be done but not without considerable amounts of discomfort, cussing, and alcohol. I'm almost at the point (and knowing I can do this is why I love knitting) where I'm going to rip the whole thing out, again, and just do a short row toe which for the record is easy.

What's really ticking me off is that I know that I'm smarter than the yarn but I just can't seem to grasp the technique I need here. It doesn't matter what videos and descriptions I use online because I need someone to look at what I'm doing and either show me where I'm going wrong or tell me if I have it right (Mathboy says it looks good to him but the boy's a muggle). I would love to wander down to my not so local yarn shop for help and advice but there are two problems. A) as I've mentioned, they're kind of far away and B) I don't feel comfortable going into a place of business with items not purchased there and asking them to help me. It would be different if I could pick up a couple of skeins of sock yarn or something while I was there but I really do need to hold off on unnecessary spending for the duration of the summer. I guess in the end I'm just going to have to keep plugging away, trying things, until it looks right.

That's enough whingeing. I'm going to go take another crack at them (socks, if you're reading this, I have nothing but respect for your beauty and intricacy) and contemplate how much I would love a Caramel Coretto from Second Cup right about now.


Kristy said...

I have had some of these same struggles with techniques: Since I don't know anyone else who knits, I am stuck deciphering new skills from books and sometimes I just want someone to look over my shoulder, hold my hand, and SHOW ME how....This is why I haven't learned to do toe-up yet.

Also, how did it go with immigration?

Jay said...

Yes you ARE smarter than the yarn - and you hold the power to rip it all out if it misbehaves.

Jessica said...

that's it ... you and kristy are scaring me away from ever knitting socks. Not that I could even attempt such a feat at this point anyways ... my knitting skills consist of a few crooked rows of garter stitch.